The causes
From the colonial time, people wanted the most land, for more power. In the 20th century there was a superpower in Europe, Russia. As tention was building up in all countries in Europe, all countries started to form alliances with each other, for example; England and Belgium. Since this was happening, most countries were starting to get their armies ready for war. In 1914, the Serbian group called 'The Black Hand' did an attack against Ausduke Franz Ferdinand, and killed him. Since Austria and Germany were an alliance, Germany started to fight, this all happened because of Nationalism. This is also the trigger cause for the Great War. In the war, the Germans are having the name , Hun or Fritz.
As a war was going on, the countries needed an army. The only way how to deal with getting people to the army is by war propaganda..
Propaganda is a way of convincing people something is either good, or not good. In the war, propaganda was used in a way to make war look like a good place for soldiers, where they're going to have fun. There are multiple forms of how propaganda can be used, for instance with the newspaper and posters that were placed in and around cities.
Usually with manipulation of information, to influence the public opinion for the purpose of helping or injuring an institution, a cause or a person. Or by staging&re-enacting events or by plagiarising.
The first time propaganda was used in a war, was in Britain, in the Crimeon war. People didn't know anything about wars, untill Roger Fenton was sent to the war to make photographs about the war. For instance, where there were no cannonballs on the road, he placed the cannonballs there, to make it look more like a horrible place to be.
Propaganda is still used in the modern age, by copy&pasting things in an image, for example, there are 3 rockets and a cannon that doesn't fire. Then the editer edits the rocket and the smoke behind the cannon so it looks like not shooting cannon is firing a missile too.
George Scott Cook, a soldier in the Great War.
George Scott Cook was a man born in Balclutha, New-Zealand, he was born on the 31th of March 1890 and had a grayish blue eye colour. George went into the army in 1916 and fought in France for 1 year in the trenches of Ypres, usually there was loads of mud, so much that it was able to drown people. Also many machines couldn't get through the mud.
About George's family,
had his parents; Elizabeth cook, the mother and David Cook was his father. He was one of the four sons of the family Cook, John, George, James, Malcom and David. John and George died, Malcom and James survived the war. David hasn't fought because there was no operation for his batallion.
Start and End in the army,
George joined the army in 1916 and was placed in the 1st Batallion of Otago. Unfortunately George died of woundings of a bullet shot by a machine gun of a Hun in the first battle of Passchendaele, Belgium.
Burried in the Tyne Cot cemetary, Ypres, Belgium. Grave number XXXIV F.10

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